Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Strategies For Leading Generation Y

Here is an article I found on Ken Blanchards twitter.  The article itself was written by Sarah Caverhill & Marta Brooks.  Here is a link to the full article:

Before I get into the article itself here are some facts and characteristics of Generation Y.
-Although their are no official dates mostly this is a group that have birth date ranging from the mid 1970's to the year 2000
-That they have an increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies.   Especially with instant communication (IMS, TEXTS, ETC)
-Also called Trophy Kids,Which is a term that reflects the trend in competitive sports, as well as many other aspects of life, where "no one loses" and everyone gets a "Thanks for Participating" trophy and symbolizing a perceived sense of entitlement
-Multitasking and not focusing (IE Driving, while talking on the cell phone, and drinking a soda)
-Personalities are mostly strong-willed, passionate, and optimistic
-The average Gen Y changes jobs an average of 29 times and the average time in one job is 1.1 years.

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